Friday, January 2, 2009

18 weeks

Yesterday (Thursday), I was 18 weeks pregnant. I can't believe how fast it is flying by! I guess chasing a toddler around really makes it go a lot faster. Also, I'm showing a LOT more at 18 weeks this time around than I was with Ian's pregnancy. It's strange though, because I actually weight LESS this time around.

If you can belive it, I'm still throwing up a few times a week. I actually had to have my Zofran prescription changed from the pill that I swallow to the dissolving tab because I was throwing it up everytime I took it. When I saw my OB a few weeks ago, she made me promise that I'd be feeling better and not throwing up anymore at my 20 week appt. I've got two more weeks to try and keep that promise! haha!

I was fully expecting to have gained back a few of the pounds that I lost by eating lots and lots over the holidays. I stepped on the scale this morning and I gained a whopping .2 pounds. WOOHOO.

I've had a few cravings, but nothing substantial. When I was back in Waukesha a couple weeks back, I really wanted a Golden Gate egg roll and sweet and sour sauce. Sadly, the only day I was there, they were closed! I've had more aversions than anything.... for example, my formerly addicted to Starbucks self no longer wants anything from there. I also can't stand the thought of most anything spicy, except buffalo sauce. Ice cream is nasty, so are all cookies, except Oreos.

I really wanted to have a belly picture infront of the Christmas tree, but it didn't turn like I had hoped and I was too tired to take it over last night. So without further ado, here is my 18 week belly, post entire can of Spagetti O's. For comparision, my 18 week belly with Ian is underneath.

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