Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas Eve

Since we have so many pictures from the holidays, I'll break them up into several posts, more to save my sanity because it takes quite a while to upload pictures!

Our plans for Christmas this year were foiled a little bit because of stupid Wisconsin weather, but we still really enjoyed the holiday! We had originally planned to have my sister and her fiance, my mom and dad all come to our condo for Christmas Eve. We had a big dinner planned and we were going to open our presents that night. Then they were all staying over and we were going to do our stockings and Santa gifts in the morning. Kristina and Dan were then going to go back to La Crosse to have Christmas Day with Dan's family, then my mom and dad were going to come to the farm with us to have Christmas Day with Charles' family. Thanks to a lovely blizzard, we had a quiet, yet perfect Christmas Eve at our condo, just Ian, Charles and I.

When Charles got home from work, I had a great big dinner made of lasagna and rosemary garlic bread. After dinner Ian had his nightly bath and we dressed him in his comfy winter jammies. Then it was time to open presents!! Ian wasn't so sure about it at first, he would just tear tiny little pieces off, but then he got more into it when he realized there was good stuff underneath the paper!

Ian was spoiled, as usual! He got a Little People train track, a Little People Magna Doodle, magnetic letters and numbers for the fridge, Happy Feet, 101 Dalmations, big kid hooded towels, and lots of books! His favorite thing though, was MY Cheesehead that I got from Charles! He looooved putting it on his head! He also opened the first thing his new brother got! An adorable BabyGap organic cotton onesie that says, "Solar Powered".

After opening presents, we put out cookies and milk for Santa, and headed to bed!

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