Sunday, June 8, 2008

We've been a little busy!

Wow, how time flies! I haven't posted in such a long time, but with good reason. Within the past few weeks Ian has become a moving man!! He's inchworming all over the place, pulling up to standing and cruising around! With all that he's gotten quite a few bumps and bangs from taking some tumbles! I've been having to watch him like a hawk all day! On top of all that, work is picking up for Charles, so he's been working tons and tons of overtime.

Let's see... in the past month we:

*Celebrated Mother's Day, which I was totally spoiled on a got a brand spankin' new DSLR camera to take tons and tons of QUALITY pictures of my little man!

*Went to the Milwaukee County Zoo with a few moms I met on the Mom's Corner chat board. We had such a blast and we're planning another get together at the Johnson Creek Outlet Mall on June 28th!

*Charles' sister, Elizabeth, graduated from UWL with her Doctorate in Physical Therapy, so we were able to spend a day in La Crosse reliving all our college memories and showing Ian where mommy and daddy went to school.

*And then just had our usual day to day adventures, fingerpainting, playing on the swings, and enjoying the FINALLY nice weather!

Ian will be 7 months tomorrow (holy crap!) I can't believe he is closer to being one year old than a newborn! I've already taken a few of his monthly pics, because frankly it's a struggle to get him to sit still so I usually have to do it over a 2 day period!

I want to post a lot of the pictures I've taken over the past month, so I'll dedicate an entire post just to them! Enjoy!

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