Monday, June 30, 2008

It's been a while

While Ian is napping, I thought I'd drop in and type up a quick post. This month has flown by. I can't believe Ian will be 8 months old in just about a week. Whoever said "The days drag on but the months fly by" was 100% on the money. As much as I LOVE being home with Ian everyday, it's very hard with Charles working so many hours. We can only go for so many walks, and play with so many toys over and over before I start counting down the minutes till Charles is home.
Ian is now crawling full force and getting into EVERYTHING!!

Grandma and Grandpa Corcoran came over this weekend to help us get the house a little more baby-safe. My main concern was Ian's bookcase falling over on him, so Grandpa (my dad) anchored it to the wall. We has such a nice visit with them! The highlight for me was definetly Wii bowling on Saturday night! We were all so into it and it was a blast!! I must brag though, I won both times!

Tomorrow Ian, Lola Betch, Lola the Great, Tita Laure and I are going on a visit to Chicago for some sightseeing and to check out the museums. This will be Ian's first time there! I'm already fretting about trying to stick to his basic eating/nap schedule, but one day off won't kill him. He's usually a pretty good napper in the stroller, so hopefully that will hold true for tomorrow!

Ian has sprouted two new teeth! They are up on top, but not the two front ones which normally come through next, they're the two on each side of them! What a funny little grin he has now! I need to try and get a good picture of it, but he's not too cooperative about it!

Anyhow, just a few pictures of Ian on the swing with Grandpa pushing him.

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