Monday, January 2, 2012

Project 365 + 1

I'll be the first to admit that I royally stink at recording memories for my kids. Ian's babybook ends at about a year. We brought Sean's to the hospital and put his footprints in it. Emmett... poor guy doesn't even have one. I've tried paper journals and found that I hate hand writing and it takes much longer than doing it on the computer. Blogging is probably the one thing that I could (and should) make time for. Since Emmett was born 6 weeks ago, I've told myself that I need to try to do 1 post per week (you can see that is going well...) I also need to make sure I'm taking pictures of Emmett on a regular basis so he's not the typical youngest child without any pictures!

I came across Project 365 +1 (because of the Leap Year) through some mutual friends and thought it would something that I could manage. My goal with this project is 3 things:

  1. Take more pictures of my kids, or family, or life in general.
  2. Remind myself that snapshots create the best memories, not perfect portraits
  3. Back away from the picture editing and accept pictures for how they are. Since our laptop crashed, the dinosaur desktop we're currently making due with doesn't have Photoshop. 
I may not post a picture daily, but my goal is to TAKE a picture daily. Some will be with my DSLR, some will be with my point and shoot, and some will be with my phone.

So today (actually... yesterday), begins Project 365 + 1!

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