Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Update Part 2... Ian!

Ian is now 20 months old, can you believe that?! He's grown into such the little boy, it almost hurts my heart to see how big he is now. He is talking up a storm! I can't even count how many words he has now because it seems like he has 2 or 3 new ones everyday! He's learning his letters and colors as well. He only knows the number "2" though, and thinks anything more than "1" is "2". Adorable.

His favorite things are tractors, trucks, vacuums, lawn mowers or "mow mows", Dora, Nemo, and sadly... The Wiggles. He likes to talk about how "Toto Pete" drives a truck and "Wowo" drives a tractor and mower. He loves riding on Daddy's back in the Ergo carrier when Charles mows the lawn.

He LOVES, LOVES, LOVES his little brother Sean! He loves to point out all his body parts, especially his toes. He also likes to smell his toes! He gives him endless kisses and hugs and always wants to touch his hair. It's just been in the last week or so that he's gone from calling him "baby" to "baby schau" or something sounding kind of like Sean.

Right now though, Ian has croup! Poor guy is so sick. He had a fever peaking at 104 on Saturday night and now he's got a pretty horrible cough. He face is so red and swollen from coughing and crying all the time. We went to the pedi today and they were able to give him some oral steriods to help dilate his airway to help him breathe. Hopefully he'll be on the upswing soon here.

So now you are updated on the life of our firstborn :)

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