Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sean's Birth Story

We went in on May 30th at 11:30 pm for an induction. We didn't actually get into a room till close to 12:15pm and by the time I was all checked it, it was 1pm. The OB on call came in and went over my birth plan with us and we told her we wanted to avoid any sort of unnecessary interventions if at all possible. I didn't want an IV and if I was able to progress on my own, I didn't want pitocin for sure!

She was on board with everything as long as I was progressing within a reasonable time table. I had really wanted to labor in the tub and my regular OB was totally fine with it, but the OB on call was pretty conservative and wouldn't let anyone in the tub who had ruptured membranes. She said I could either start pitocin and leave my bag in tact or could have my bag ruptured and not go in the tub. So at 1:10pm she broke my water. I was 4 1/2cm dilated at the time.

We walked the halls, I bounced on the birthing ball, watched Charles eat Subway, and just chatted. At about 2:30pm I started having contractions. Within an hour or so, the contractions were picking up and I was starting to have to focus through them more. While walking the halls I'd have to stop and wait for the contraction to finish before continuing.

By 4:30pm they were really getting strong and were about 2 minutes apart. At this point I lost my MP and had a lot of bloody show.

At 5:30pm my contractions were VERY strong and VERY painful and I was using all sorts of methods and positions from the Lamaze method to get through them. Charles was being SO supportive and really helped me through every second of every contraction.

At 6pm I started getting really naseauted and asked to be checked. The resident on call came in a checked me at 6:15pm and I was only 5 1/2 cm dilated, but I was 100% effaced and 0 station. I was seriously so annoyed that I had only progressed 1 cm since we arrived and I was in SOO much pain. At this point I was thinking that I couldn't go much longer without getting some sort of medication.

And then it hit like a rock. I was throwing up with every contraction and seriously in the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. Our amazingly awesome nurse who was so supportive of a natural childbirth started prepping the room for delivery, even though I figured it'd be hours because of how long it took to get to 5 1/2. 30 minutes after I had last been checked I was feeling TONS of pressure and felt like I had to push. The OB came in to check me and it took her about .2 seconds to say "yeah, you're ready".

So at 6:50pm I started pushing. The only way I was actually comfortable was on my side so I did all my pushing on my side. So after 15 minutes of hard pushing and nearly ripping the handle off the hospital bed, Sean Patrick Raymond came out kicking and screaming at 7:05pm. He weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces and was 18 1/2 inches long.

I had a small 2nd degree tear that needed a few stitches but it was taken care of in just a few minutes, nothing like the hour+ it took to sew up the 4th degree tear I had with Ian.

The recovery from this birth has been so much easier. I was up and showering 45 minutes after Sean was born and I've felt pretty great from the beginning. What a blessing!

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