Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Son, the Future Doctor!

Ever since Ian's preschool class talked about skeletons at Halloween, his interest in the human body has continued to grow. He found two of my childhood books, The Magic School Bus Goes Into the Human Body, and The Skeleton Inside You, and asks us to read at least one of them almost every night.

He is so interested in it that we put this Beleduc 5 Layer Puzzle on his Christmas List and his Tita Elizabeth (the physical therapist, go figure! :)) got it for him!
He knows all about bones, cartilage and joints from The Skeleton Inside You, and has a pretty good grip on the concepts of digestion thanks to The Magic School Busy Goes Into The Human Body. I mean, the kid knows what villi are. Seriously? A three year old? I'm pretty sure I learned that word in Medical Terminology my senior year in COLLEGE! Ok, maybe it was Anat & Phys my sophomore year, but I was no A&P whiz and things seemed to fly out on my brain as fast as they went in.

I had the boys at the pediatrician today to check on Ian's ears (he's been battling an EI for who knows how long) and he had his Magic School Bus book with him. He started talking to the nurse about, you're never believe this... BLOOD VESSELS. She was floored, as was I, I haven't heard him talk about them before!

So now here is my wondering... do I encourage this and keep searching for new (age appropriate) books to expand his knowledge? I don't want him to be some super weird Dugie Howser when he's 10, but it's probably just a passing phase, don't you think? He's doing very well with knowing all his letters and we're now working on writing letters. He's great at counting and just starting to graps the concept of adding really small numbers together when we're counting objects. So I think if I just make sure he's not falling behind on normal stuff like that, it should be ok. Or maybe I should really push it and then I can retire early and he can support his parents! HAHA, I can dream, ;-)


Emily Nelson said...

I say GO FOR IT! If he's interested in it keep the information coming! It may be just a phase, but on the other hand he may be a genius and you wouldn't want to deprive him of learning something new. I think its awesome that he is interested in that stuff. Besides, ma and all of my 9 yr old girlfriends all had a HUGE crush on Doogie Howser when we were little.

Brenda said...

My son Wesley Just turned 4 he has been interested in the same things since age 2!!! He also talked the pediatricians ear off about blood vessels and veins and arteries. Everytime I go to get my blood drawn he is so interested. And we just picked up a kids book on the brain (geared to 8-12 year olds) it is now his fave bedtime story! His pediatrician says she fell in love with medicial stuff at age 3! We are encouraging it (buying books and letting him watch the national geographic documentaries that he asks to watch) but not pushing it.
By the way I came across your blog by doing an image search for toy skeletons like the ones you see in schools or doctors office so we could get him his own skeleton display!! :)