While Ian and Sean were taking a bath yesterday after breakfast, Ian said to me, "Mommy, fold your hands." I asked him, "Why?". "So we can pray," he said.
So I folded my hands (as he did) and he started.
"Dear God, please watch over me. What's next, Mommy?"
"Who else do you want him to watch over, Ian?"
"Please watch over Mommy and Daddy and Sean. What's next, Mommy?"
"Who else do you love?"
"Please watch over Lola and Lolo and Papa and Nancy (sorry mom, he calls you Nancy sometimes) and See-rah (Sierra) and Brook-wyn (Brooklyn) and Toto (Tito Pete) and Tita War-rie (Tita Laurie) and Tita Wiz-a-biff (Tita Elizabeth). What's next, Mommy?"
"What about Brooklyn's mommy and daddy?"
"Aunt Stee-nah (Aunt Kristina) and Uncle Dan. And Penny. And Woody (he got Woody from Toy Story from the Easter Bunny)."
"Anyone else?"
"No, now what, Mommy?"
"You say, Amen."
"Ament. That means we're done."
Back to playing with his Elmo submarine.
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