Thursday, April 10, 2008

Happy 5 Months, my sick little man!!

Poor Ian, 5 months old and so sick! Well actually, he's on the upswing now, but it's been a hellova week! Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were by-far the worst. He wasn't eating or was throwing up everytime he ate. He had diarrhea and was quite lethargic. We took him to the ER Monday night then the pedi Tuesday. He was 18 pound 9 ounces on Friday, 17 pounds 10 ounces on Monday and 17 pounds 7 ounces on Tuesday. That's a 7% body weight loss!

We seem to have a few things figured out now. From what the pedi gathers, Ian has asthma that was triggered by this virus. Because he's having a hard time breathing when he coughs, he's throwing up whatever he ate. He was given a nebulizer treatment at the pedi office and we have been doing them here at home as well. He has definetly improved since we've started the treatments. He hasn't thrown up at all and is slowly getting back into the swing of eating.

He has officially cut his first tooth, and I'm have a really hard time getting a picture of it, but I'll post the best one I have so far. He was also 5 months old yesterday! We took a few of his monthly pictures, but his attention span was very short, so we took the remainder of them today. When I saw we, I mean both Charles and I. Charles has been home sick for the last 2 1/2 days! I've also been sick, so we're a pretty germy little family!

Hopefully Ian and I are well enough to go to our mommy/baby get-together we have planned for this Saturday at the Children's Museum. I'm anxious to meet other moms in the Madison area!

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