Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A little delayed... 4 months old!

Ian was 4 months old on March 9th. We took his monthly pictures over a series of 3 days because he was pretty crabby, probably from him shots.
We also started rice cereal! He seemed to like it ok. A few days later we tried oatmeal and he definetly prefers it! We're going to stick with cereals (rice, oatmeal and barley) as long as possible, hopefully till 6 months. Then we'll start other foods.

Ian's 4 month appt went well. He weighs 16 pounds 15 ounces and is 26 1/4 inches long. The pedi said he is advanced in his motor skills! He was smiling at all the nurses, as usual! His shots weren't actually that bad. Tita Elizabeth came with to hold Ian because I don't do well with shots!

Ian is now tripoding and trying so hard to sit up by himself. He's also pushing up on his hands when he's on his tummy.

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