Friday, April 4, 2008

Is is Friday already?

The week just flew by! I've found a nice way to make days go by faster is to make it a point to take pictures of Ian everyday. He was a smiling, happy baby for the most part of the week. Then Thursday came. He came down with a cough and a runny nose and was sooo fussy! Thursday night I was letting him chew my finger and low and behold, I felt a little ridge of a tooth! His first one ever! It's just peeking through the skin, and apparently causing him quite a lot of pain because he sure is crabby! I tried and tried to take a picture of it but that was next to impossible. Every time I put my finger in there to push his lip back, he chomps on me! We'll get a shot of it sooner or later.

Last night because he was coughing so hard, he threw up 3 times! This morning I decided I should call the pedi just to see what they had to say. They wanted to see him, so I brought him in. They said he either has a cold, or asthma?! They wrote us a prescription for a nebulizer treatmeant and said to try it with him. If it helps him, he probably has asthma. If it doesn't help him, then he just has a cold. We're definetly hoping for a cold!

We put him to bed just over an hour ago and he's already woken up screaming once, so I imagine this is going to be a loooong night. We also have a very busy weekend ahead with Betch's 60th birthday tomorrow! Wish us luck, hopefully Ian won't be a hellion!

Anyhow, here's a few pics from this week's photo shoots! Enjoy and happy weekend!

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