Monday, January 18, 2010

2 posts in one day?

I must be crazy!

Not only did Sean officially start crawling on all 4's today, but he said "Mama!", three times!. Yes, I realize he's just babbling, but my baby is growing up. I'm going to miss this.

Watch Out World!

Sean is mobile!

Monday, January 4, 2010


When Ian wants something that he knows he can't have, he says he wants "ONE! ONE! ONE FINGER HERE! ONE!"

Example, he gets a vitamin everyday. If he asks for another one later in the day and I tell him no, I get this:

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sean is 7 months old!

On December 30th (Charles' 26th Birthday!), Sean turned 7 months old. It's hard to believe that now we are moving closer to his first birthday and farther from his birth. At 7 months old, Sean is:

*army crawling and inch worming
*sleeping from 7pm-6:30am
*starting to take more solid foods (and by more, I mean like, 2 tablespoons a day. This is a big stress for me and we struggle with it everyday, but he is FINALLY getting better at it)
*able to get puffs from his tray to his mouth using his whole hand to grasp them
*still only has his two bottom teeth but I see at LEAST two more top teeth ready to come through any day
*taking a morning nap, an afternoon nap, and an occasional evening catnap
*getting better at riding in the car as long as we have a stash of toys to pass to him every time he drops one
*starting to drink from a sippy cup
*taking a bottle like a champ and drinking 8-9oz when he does
*experiencing big time stranger danger
*becoming very fond of Penny
*still obsessed with the Barenaked Ladies "Popcorn" song
*becoming more difficult to have at work with me
*wears mostly 12m clothing, a few 12-18 things as well

At 7 months, Sean is 19 pounds, give or take a couple ounces. Generally, that would be considered a pretty poor weight gain for a month (he was 18 pounds 11 ounces at 6 months), but the week after he was 6 months old, Ian, Sean and I got very sick. They had croup and I had the adult version of it, I guess? Sean dropped to 18 pounds 5 ounces because he was having such a hard time nursing (couldn't breathe through his nose) and was also throwing up when he was coughing so hard. It's ironic because when Ian was this exact age, he got sick, too, and lost weight. We'll see at his 9 month appointment if it dropped him in his growth chart.