Wednesday, October 21, 2009

From the Mouths of Babes

Charles was home sick today and Sean was napping, so I took Ian to run some errands with me. We went to the post office, then on a special trip to Farm & Fleet to look at the Toyland tractors. I love chatting with Ian, he's the funniest little dude. This is part of the conversation we had.

Me: Ian, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Ian: A tractor!
Me: That sounds fun. Who do you know who is a tractor?
Ian: John, John Deere.
Me: Oh yeah? Who else?
Ian: Allis, Allis Chalmers.

Can you tell he is obsessed with tractors? Good thing we changed his birthday party theme from trains to tractors! He's going to fall over when he sees what we got him for a gift :)

And on a totally separate note, how cute is this guy?!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Gro Baby!

It's been nearly 2 years since I've started cloth diapering. I've tried dozen of different diapers, but one that I've been eyeing up is the Gro Baby! It's an AI2 or hybrid diaper that you can reuse the shell over and over and use either reusable soakers you can wash or you can try the new Bio Soakers! They come in a variety of awesome colors and recently just came out with some adorable prints! Since working at Nicki's, I get questions about what kind of diapers I use all the time! I think people like to hear what works for others and why. I'm looking forward to getting a free trial of this diaper and letting you all know what I think!!